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training packages
- Best Value
1 on 1 Training
599$Â10 training sessions + P3 T-shirt!Valid for 4 months- Personalized training for specific technical improvements
2 Player Training
399$Â10 training sessionsValid for 4 months- (Indicated price is per player)
- Specialized training to address the group's technical needs
1 on 1 Training
315$Â5 training sessionsValid for 2 months- Personalized training for specific technical improvements
2 Player Training
215$Â5 training sessionsValid for 2 months- (Indicated price is per player)
- Specialized training to address the group's technical needs
P3 Skill Development Lab Membership
120$Every month+$15 P3 ShirtDevelop a passion for the game, prepare for your next challenge, and improve your performance on the field. The program helps players transition from recreational to competitive soccer with confidenceValid for 3 months+ 2 day free trial- P3 Skill Development Lab
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